Poorest Countries In The World 2013: Burundi: Annual Income $625

Burundi is located in Eastern Africa and is a landlocked country. It has an area of 27,834 km, which makes it the 145th country in size, and has a population of 8,749,000 which ranks it 89th. With an average annual income of $625 per person, Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world; mainly due to the lack of education, lack of economic freedom and a poor legal system. Over 80% of the population lives below poverty level with famines, food shortages and AIDS running rampant. Income in Burundi comes from crops such as cotton, tea, corn, sorghum sweet potatoes and bananas, or from raising cattle. Mining is also a source of income and includes uranium, nickel, cobalt, copper, and platinum.

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